Research Outputs
The following is a list of recent and ongoing research outputs related to what we term “DIY Academic Archiving”:
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Hanlon, Mary, Martina Karels & Niamh Moore (2024). “Fashioning DIY digital archives: Unsettling academic research to centre garment workers’ voices.” International Journal of Fashion Studies 11: (B(l)ending Research Methods: Reimagining a Theoretical Turn in Fashion Scholarship): 183-194.
Karels, Martina, Mary Hanlon & Niamh Moore (2024). DIY academic archiving: Mischievous disruptions of a new counter-movement. Frontiers in Communication, 9. [open-access].
Moore, Niamh, Nikki Dunne, Martina Karels & Mary Hanlon (2021). Towards an Inventive Ethics of Carefull Risk: Unsettling Research Through DIY Academic Archiving, Australian Feminist Studies. [open access].
Moore, Niamh, Nikki Dunne, Martina Karels & Mary Hanlon (forthcoming 2025) with Palgrave Macmillian). DIY Academic Archiving: Sharing data and curating research materials.
Book Chapters
Moore, Niamh, Nikki Dunne, Martina Karels & Mary Hanlon (2023). “Towards an Inventive Ethics of Carefull Risk: Unsettling Research Through DIY Academic Archiving” in Maryanne Dever edited New Feminist Research Ethics: Chapter 6.
Moore, Niamh (2023) ‘Remembering an Eco/feminist Peace Camp’ in Catherine Eschle and Alison Bartlett, eds., Engendering Protest Camps: Feminist Critiques, Engagements and Re-imaginings, Bristol: Policy Press, pp.235-255.
Conference, Seminar and Workshop Papers
16 Oct 2024 “On Feminist Archiving”, at the Future Lives and Austerity Symposium, University of Manchester.
10 October 2024. In conversation with Jette Kofoed, Rachel Thomson and Sharon Webb, at “Re-inventing ethics? Hesitancy, trust and care”, in conversation with Jette Kofoed, Rachel Thomson and Sharon Webb, Digital Humanities Lab, University of Sussex.
3-4 Oct 2024. “DIY Academic Archiving: A seedbag for terraforming (open qualitative) research.” Swedish STS Conference 2024: Transmissions, Mediations, Interferences. Museum of Work in Norrköping, 3-4 October 2024, hosted by Technology and Social Change (TEMA T) and Tema Genus (TEMA G) at Linköping University.
6-8 May 2024. “DIY Academic Archiving: A seedbag for rethinking and remaking open qualitative research” for the STS Conference Graz.
25 May 2023. “Fashioning DIY Digital Archives: Unsettling Research Methods to Centre Garment Workers Voices” for the workshop: “B(l)ending Research Methods: Reimagining a Theoretical Turn in Fashion Scholarship” at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), at The University of Amsterdam.
18-19 Feb 2022. “Creating small data archives: The surprising pride and joy of DIY Academic Archiving” At the Small Data is Beautiful conference, The University of Melbourne.
28 April 2021. “Towards an Inventive Ethics of Carefull Risk: DIY Academic Archiving as a carrier bag theory of research” Seminar Series: Theorizing our work, Department of Sociology, University of Edinburgh.